Ceres’ Aries Close Up ~ 24 Apr 2016

Ceres recently entered Aries - the new dawning of a fresh zodiacal placement.

Now back to Ceres. In the debacle that “demoted” Pluto, even though astrologers continue to hold Pluto in the highest regard, Ceres received elevation to planet status - albeit it dwarf planet. Though dwarf, when Ceres in considered by mass, density, gravitational influence and diameter using an array of mathematical equations, she stands out as an absolute force with which we must all reckon. All things being considered, the magnitude of her intensity, determination and commitment to cause lords above the other planets.

Ceres is an advocate. She stands up for what she believes is right and fights for it to the bitter end, no matter what the cost. Therein lies a liability. She can cut off her nose to spite her face in the final moments of negotiations that may provide significant gain - but not enough gain according to Ceres. However, if one aligns with the high road, taking up causes under a Ceres transit, or a transit to Ceres, nearly miraculous results enter the realm of possibility... and probability. In fact, when well-intended, Ceres creates outcomes that demonstrate that it is possible to fight city hall, or persuade stodgy, resistant, deeply entrenched positions to shift.

Presently, Ceres stands with Icarus (don’t get too close to the Sun, now), Uranus, Eris and Venus (for the next few days) in Aries. Some element of self proclamation might do a dharma good, and as Ceres aligns with Uranus and Eris, the sensations of being an outsider can autocorrect. Within such a correction, one might find daily activity smack dab in the middle of operations one never imagined could come true.

Sounds great. But where to start? What matters should be examined close-up at the Aries gumption-filled get-go?

The node of Ceres stands in Gemini. The node creates a mission statement for any planet, and in Ceres’ case, the node suggests the need for clear, open-ended communication. Open-ended implies that both sides of the Gemini transceiver nature operate; transmit and receive. Speak and listen, not necessarily in that order. Work to receive information with as much zeal and intensity as feeling the need to share information.

Ceres comes closest to the Sun in Virgo. With Ceres, her greatest perceived urgency is to establish impeccable rules of the road... good rules, rules that work, rules that guide, improve and enhance. While a critical edge could easily appear, especially when emphatically and enthusiastically communicating the rules by which one lives, tempering of the edge happens when one applies a Virgo “rule of three” doctrine.

Mercury, astrological ruler of Gemini and Virgo, and the signs where Ceres’ orbital elements reside, must orbit the Sun three times for both sides of its surface to receive solar light. To operate within pro/con, yes/no, forward/backward protocols in perfect measure, three orbits around the consideration on the table make sense in the interest of complete objectivity.

Additionally, when offering rules of the road alternatives to others that intend to enhance or replace existing life rules, this protocol suggests providing three alternatives for each point noted. Even more fundamentally, if one seeks to declare the improvements needed in any system, structure, protocol or personality, offer solutions prior to noting the perceived problems.

The photo of the crater at the beginning of this post indicates Ceres has a battered past. In the asteroid belt where tens of thousands of objects perfectly orbit in their prescribed paths, collisions occur. The bumps encountered need not be shared. Tribulations endured are best revealed through the experiences processed and wisdom-incurred point of view.

So in these Aries days ahead as Ceres works her way to Uranus and Eris, conjure brilliant ideas and innovations to share. Ensure the sharing seeks to stabilize and enhance instead of upset and disrupt. Perhaps think of the old axiom once rendered by a movie mogul seeking the next blockbuster, “Give me the same thing, only different.”

With that consul logged into the consciousness, per Ceres in Aries, you too are ready to advocate for your greatest objectives... and move in for your celestially inspired close-up.

More soon.